Created in 1950 by Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts is one of the most beloved comic strips ever created. Joining the likes of other iconic figures such as Snoopy, Charlie Brown and Woodstock, Peanuts had a readership that enjoyed witticism, warmth and themes throughout the ages and even into the future. Over the years, the Peanuts brand extended well beyond the comic strip and became a cultural phenomenon. The charming characters and beautiful artwork have inspired many generations, and Peanuts has become an ageless source of joy and happiness.
At Freshman’s Vintage, we honour Peanuts’ legacy by offering a boutique collection of second-hand vintage items sourced from various collectors. Whether it’s your favourite cartoon characters on t-shirts, cosy sweatshirts or any accessories and mementoes, our collection has everything that every fan of this brand has ever hoped for. These items are ideal for every fan or collector wishing to relive Peanuts magic. Don’t wait any longer, take a glance at our collection and add a speck of joy of Snoopy’s foolishness and Charlie Brown’s hopefulness in your outfits!