To start a return, please click the button below and follow the return request process:


In the event that you are not completely satisfied with the item(s) in your order, Freshmans Archive will accept the return of any product, provided that the return is carried out in accordance with the following returns procedure and meets the criteria below:

All returns must be in the original condition, unused and undamaged as determined by Freshmans Archive. All items have a Freshmans Archive swing tag attached, if this tag is removed then the return will be void.

Returns within 14 days from receiving your order from us will be issued with refund or a credit note. A full refund is based upon the original purchase price, less postage costs, and will be returned to you by your original payment method.

Freshmans Archive does not offer a pre-paid returns label but recommends that you use a recognised and efficient courier for your item if you are making a return. Return postage is the customer's cost and responsibility until it is safely received by us.

Any items returned to us in an unsuitable condition will not be eligible for a refund and will be returned to sender, which will inurr an additional cost.

Consignment items are sold by private individuals therefore they are not obliged to offer a refund, however Freshmans Archive will offer a store credit voucher if you wish to return any item bought via our consignment programme. Items from our consignment programme will be marked with a stock code beginning with CSN.

Please note: If these conditions aren't met, then Freshmans Archive holds the right to decline a return.

*Deposits to hold any items are non-refundable


Need to get in touch?

You can get in touch with our returns department at: